Oakland and surrounding area High School Mountain Bike teams are making it a priority to increase the number of girls riding on all our teams! Mountain Biking offers girls amazing experiences and empowerment.
Our teams are all Co-ed and when there are more girls on bikes, our girls and teams have more fun! The NorCal Racing League has created sport where the goal is to make the sport equal between our girl and boy riders.
The Oakland and surrounding area Mountain Bike Teams are hosting GRiT events in October and November for new and current girl/femme/queer/trans riders. Check out the events below where high school students can ride together, learn about our teams and gain skills to make them more confident bikers.
NICA GRiT is a national program that aims to increase female participation in the sport of mountain biking by 10% over the next five years with a focus on recruitment and retention of girls and female coaches in NICA leagues. Currently, girls represent 20% of the NICA national student-athlete participation. Focused efforts are needed to increase teenage female involvement as well as the number of adult female coaches. By providing skills development, promoting positive physical health, confidence and self-esteem and providing coach training, NICA’s goal is to provide a fun, safe and competitive environment for young women to excel.