When is the team’s season? When do we train?

The season kicks off in December and runs through the Spring. Races are late February through May. There are four regular season races, a league championship.

We hold 2-3 regular weekday practices afterschool & Sunday practice. In December and January our weekday practices will include spin/strength training at CruFit in Montclair. In February - May all weekday practices will be outside beginning at 4:30pm (5:00pm after DLS). Sunday morning practices are outdoor rides, 9:30 -12:30. We generally meet at Joaquin Miller Park in the Oakland Hills.

What kind of commitment is expected?

We expect regular attendance at our team trainings—at least two team practice per week. Practicing with the team means you’ll get more out of the experience, and become a better rider. We expect all athletes to attend 2 races per season, if you are new to Oakland Composite, the first race of the season is mandatory.

Being part of Oakland Composite also means being a good “citizen” out there on the trails, representing our greater mountain biking community. As such, you’ll learn about safety and trail etiquette as we are sharing our local trails with other users, like hikers and equestrians. Helping to maintain our trails is a way to “give back,” too, so we’ll organize trail building / volunteering opportunities and request your participation.

What is expected from parents/families?

You and your family can also help Oakland Composite in a number of ways:

  • Raising awareness about the team, and recruiting any friends who have bikes and want to ride.

  • Sign up to support the team in planning and organizing including (team manager, food coordinator for races, social media, coordinate fun raising). All the coaches for all the high school teams are volunteers. If we share the responsibilities of the team, it will make everyone’s jobs easier.

  • Volunteering at races (there’s TONS to do at races!), as well as at any team activities or fundraisers

  • Supporting our current team sponsors -- Team Oakland, the Bicycle Trails Council of the East Bay (BTCEB), CRUfit fitness club.

  • Donating to Oakland Composite and recruiting additional sponsors to support the team -- more information is on our team website, on the “Sponsor” page.

When and where are the races?

Five races are held each year, starting in February and ending in May with the State Championships. Races are held on either Saturdays or Sundays at locations throughout Northern California. The 2024 Race Calendar will be posted in late November 2023. Oakland Composite races in the East Bay/Central Region. To better understand what a Mountain Bike Race is all about, check out our videos page. Many of the videos highlight current and past Oakland Riders.