How much does it cost?

There are some costs involved with high school racing which vary year to year depending on sponsorships and donations received.  For the 2025 season the team fee will be $250. Financial aid is available. There are additional fees to register for races in the NorCal League. Total season cost, with our team fee, team kit and race fees can be as high as $750. Financial aid is available. Depending on need, cost can be as little as $0.

All riders also must have a bike in safe riding condition, helmet, race jersey and other bike accessories listed here. Again, there are scholarships and financial aid available to help cover costs. Please speak to your Head Coach, we do not want cost to be the reason you are not riding with us.

What do my Team fees cover?

Your $205 team membership fee covers...

  • Basic coaching support at weekly practices

  • Coach training subsidies (Wilderness First Aid Training, CPR, MTB101, background checks, risk management training)

  • Team liability and injury insurance,

  • Skills Clinics

  • Race support (Nutrition education, warmup education, pitzone support, race timeline & start support)

Do you have scholarships and financial aid available?

Yes. If you want to bike and you are worried about the cost, contact Coach Justin, Coach Morgan or your Head Coach. We want more Kids on Bikes and we will help you!


A great bike that fits the criteria above will cost anywhere from $750 - $1500+. We know that that sounds like a lot. But as mentioned before, these bikes will hold their value and can be passed down to a sibling, relative, or friend. Plus, these bikes can be ridden outside of the Mountain Bike Team — to school, for fun, commutes, etc.

If you do find this cost prohibitive, PLEASE PLEASE talk to us before you decide this is not the sport for your kid. We can find a way to make it work. In the past, we’ve maintained a small fleet of loaner bikes donated to us and have loaned those out to kids in the club. While we’d like to get out of the business of maintaining and storing these bikes, we understand there’s a need. We’re also working out a partnership with many local bike shops to make it easier for families to get their kid on a bike. So, if you find that being on Oakland Composite or another High School Mountain Bike Team is going to put a financial burden for your family, please contact us first so we can help.